I thought in case anyone has not seen the original work for my tattoo designs, and also so people can see the one I made for Brandon, I'd make a posting for those...
The first is the cherub design final...for an explanation see the earlier entry about it..
The second is the seraph design...
The second is the one I designed for Brandon for his right upper back. At its core, it symbolizes the twin-ship he shares with his brother Brandon. Of course, in Lane fashion I incorporated much latent symbolism and research to form this composition. It is centered around the myth of the Greek twins Castor and Pollux: their mother was raped by Zeus in the form of a swan and they are said to have hatched from an egg(s), also said to have been adventurers and often helmeted. I also gave them corresponding wings in reference to their swan relation and for an aesthetically more pleasing composition. The entire composition of the hatching from the egg is also a reference to Brandon and Andrew's favorite painting, Dali's "Geopoliticus Man".
I'm hoping to do more tattoo design work, and am currently in the process of designing two for a couple of other friends. I'll post that material as it manifests..