In the continuing theme of christian symbolism in which my tattoos seem to subscribe to, I have finished the next design for my second tattoo. Mirroring the Seraph on my right arm, I have created my interpretation of a Cherub.
Now first a disclaimer...For all of those who dont know, a Cherub is NOT a little fat winged baby..that is putti...It is in fact the angelic sentinels that watch over the gates of Eden with flaming swords that turn every which way.
There are other instances of Cherubs which are more obscure in the Bible and in Jewish scriptures and other literary sources. They are also know to have 4 wings, multiple eyes, and four different faces (an ox, an, eagle, a man, and a lion).
Drawing from my research, I used the four wings but I made two out of fire which at first were to represent the fiery nature of the sword, but I ended up putting a flaming aura around the blade anyways. The helmet is purely aesthetic, however the "eyes" are in fact the Scutum Fidei or Shield of the Faith: a symbol which is meant to explain the trinity in a simple, visual way).
The next step is the inking, which will probably see some small changes but other wise I'm quite satisfied with the design. Naturally it will be larger than the Seraph tattoo but it will on my left forearm.
Feel free to let me know what you think...