In the midst of the triple triad as I call it (see the last post if you dont know what that is), I have found some time here and there to do some more leisurely work. Naturally, after the unanimous success of my seraph tattoo Ive most definitely been thinking about getting more. A few ideas have begun to surface, and so I thought I would reveal them to you my multitudinous viewers.
One of the ideas swirling about in my maelstrom of a mind derives from both a bible verse and lyric from one of my favorite musical collectives : mewithoutYou.
" Catch for us the foxes in the vineyard...."
The vineyard is symbolic of our bodies, our temples, our spirits while the foxes represent the evils attempting to infiltrate them. If I were to get this tatoo, it would feature three of such canids making there way up my left arm from my wrist to lower tricep....like they are on the prowl. Two of such early sketches are featured here.
Ive also been playing with the idea of more biblical symbolic creatures...such as the seven-eyed slain Lamb from Revelation. As they make their way from my head to the paper, I will be sure to put them up.